Sunday, December 7, 2008

Remembering to be grateful

This time of year makes me think that I don't remember to be grateful enough the rest of the year. I am grateful for so many things.

I have wonderful friends and family. I am healthy and have a nice place to live. I have a good job that I like. And I am almost done with my Anatomy and Physiology class that has been taking up all my free time lately!

Also, just looking at the picture with this post reminds me of the opportunity I had two summers ago to spend a week at this beach, the best beach I have ever been to! This is the beach at Shell Island, in Panama City Beach, Florida. This place definitely ranks up at the top of my happy places.

Another thing I am doing differently this year to help me remember to be grateful for all I have and not focus on what I don't have is that I am donating money every month to a charity called Modest Needs.

Right now, this very second, I am being grateful that I have a warm fleece lined sweatshirt to wear and a microwave to make me instant hot water for tea because it is cold in my house.

I am visualizing the warm, sandy beach and hearing the lap of the waves as they gently crest and break upon the shoreline. I can almost feel the sun baking me as I sit in the shallows of the ocean and smell the saltyness in the air. I see some dolphins playing out in the distance. Life is good.