Friday, May 4, 2012

Chocolate Haze: Denial

Since I had nothing else pressing after working on the photos, I thought about what I should do for the rest of the day. Maybe a hike in a local state park? Maybe the mall. Maybe an online poker tournament? Hey, don't judge. I was good at it! Damn good! Don't hate on me for that. Just because I only played free tournaments and had only made it as high as 11th in a tournament didn't mean I couldn't kick some ass at a World Poker Tournament. I was saving the money for the entry fee. Those poker champs were lucky I wasn't already entered into a tournament, due to lack of funds. I would so totally kick their asses!

Yeah. But, since I had no money for that, I thought about what else I could do since the hike and the mall just didn't seem to be interesting to me at the moment. I finally decided on a nice drive. I loved to drive and it helped to clear my head. Which needed some clearing right now, believe you me, what with all this Nick stuff happening!

Nick. I found my mind wandering as I got ready to head out for my drive. If only he had not done what he did to me....I mean, asking me to marry him. I had to cut the ties for that. So sad since I had been so in love with him.

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